Nursery Care

PoP Nursery

The Nursery will NOT have volunteer coverage this Sunday, May 19 and throughout the summer. It will have coverage again starting up in Fall 2024.

Please connect with Anna Reinhold or one of the pastors if you are interested in volunteering in the Nursery!

We love our kids at Prince of Peace! To better meet the needs of our youngest members and their families, the PoP Nursery is open during the 9:40 am worship service on Sunday mornings for our little ones (4 years old and under). Does this mean kids aren't welcome in worship? Absolutely not! We love children in worship. But we know sometimes our youngsters need some extra attention, so the nursery is just another option.

Our nursery is 100% volunteer run, and we still need more volunteers to be able to have the nursery open every week. So if you love playing with children and can spare an hour on an occasional Sunday morning to serve in this important area of our church, or have questions about this opportunity, please connect with Anna Reinhold or one of the pastors.

PlayDeck and PrayerGround


In addition to the Nursery, there are additional spaces  for our children during worship. The PlayDeck is situated at the back of the Sanctuary. We chose this name because this area sits at the “highest” point in the Sanctuary (like the deck of a ship), and the ceiling of the Sanctuary is designed to resemble the bottom of the ark (yes, really!), so we’re keeping with the theme! Young children can engage in worship through play, with the quiet toys and books available, allowing parents to participate in the service. We ask parents to please sit in a nearby pew or be within eyesight of your child. Toys in The PlayDeck are cleaned and sanitized weekly.
The PlayDeck has already been a hit for many of our little ones, and we hope to continue to provide this space for our friends in the weeks to come!     

Families are also welcome to use the PoP PrayerGround in the Narthex just outside the Sanctuary if children need a break during the service (parental supervision needed). This area is stocked with toys, books and comfy chairs. There are speakers projecting the service in the narthex, so caregivers can keep track of what’s going on in the service and can listen to and/or rejoin worship anytime. You can also find changing tables in the restrooms near the PoP PrayerGround. Extra toys are stored inside the gray bench. PoP PrayerGround toys are sanitized weekly.

We also invite children to grab a worship activity bag on their way into the Sanctuary, which are located on the wooden kiosk near the sanctuary entrance by the restrooms.

We hope the different options for our youngest church attendees help you have a great worship experience! We are glad you are here!


Friendship and Support Meeting!
Sunday, Oct. 29 | 10:45 am | Church Library

Are you a parent of a child ages birth to 3 years old? Would you like to gather with other parents and their children?

If so, join us THIS Sunday, Oct. 29 at 10:45 am in the Church Library for a time of fellowship with other families of young children.

We hope to see you there!

Nursery Care
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